
Jeff Ber Highlights the Newest Entry of His Personal Blog

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The entrepreneur, business management consultant, and vice-president of Calgary, Alberta-based nonprofit Oneball wishes to call the public’s attention to the latest installment of his online diary.

It is with great pride and pleasure that Jeff Ber, entrepreneur, business management consultant, and vice-president of Calgary, Alberta-based nonprofit Oneball, would like to spotlight the newest entry of his personal blog. The entry, entitled Getting Started in Motivational Speaking With Jeff Ber, is a detailed, step-by-step how-to guide for those aspiring to start a career in motivational lecturing, life coaching, and/or public speaking.

Early on in the installment, Jeff addresses and attempts to disambiguate the notoriously nebulous job title of motivational speaker, writing, “‘Motivational speaking’ is a very diverse profession, addressing everything from business management to strengthening interpersonal relationships. Every successful motivational speaker has a specific area of focus.”

Further along in the piece, Jeff elaborates on this point, underscoring why it is important for would-be motivational speakers to develop a uniquely-tailored message, pointing out that in many cases, the message dictates the audience. “Defining your message and target demographic is essential in understanding what to say and who to approach,” he writes, going on to pose a crucial set of questions to his readership, “Is it time management? How to achieve any goal? Build better habits? Understanding your ‘mission statement’ will help you sell and build your brand.”

Regarding how to organize a solid motivational speech, Jeff Ber recommends a tried and tested method, starting with building a comprehensive outline. “Write an introduction, conclusion, and then organize all of your points into the body – playing with the order until you find a formula that feels right. Throwing in anecdotes, analogies, or stories can keep it fresh and exciting. You might even consider using a visual aid to further exemplify your point,” he advises.

Anyone curious to read the blog entry in its entirety can find it located here. Anyone interested in learning more about Jeff Ber is encouraged to visit his professional website.

About Jeff Ber:
Jeff Ber is a driven professional with well over a decade of experience as an entrepreneur and business management professional. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University.

A survivor of his own terminal testicular cancer diagnosis, he’s now dedicated to inspiring and motivating men who are facing their own testicular cancer battles. Through and through, Jeff Ber is a passionate cancer awareness advocate. By sharing his own story of perseverance and cancer survival, Jeff hopes to convince others that even when the odds are stacked against you, the disease can be beaten. He spreads his message through his dedication to Oneball and by highlighting the journeys of other nonprofits. In the future, Jeff Ber hopes to host motivational speaking engagements where he will draw on his own inspiring story of defeating testicular cancer.